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The Worry Script - Activity to overcome intrusive thoughts

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This is a homework activity for clients with intrusive thoughts. It can be done as part of maintenance once gone through with therapeutic support for clients who have moderate to severe anxiety disorders.

For clients with anxiety disorders or just overwhelming and distressing thoughts. This activity encourages client to face their thoughts head on and work through them in order to reduce the strength of the thought and teach clients to pragmatically work through the thoughts validity. 

It is important that you encourage to work through one thought at a time event though them my experience more than one intrusive thought. Have them pick one focus on it for the recommended time then repeat the process with their other thoughts.

Clients can do this independently and have be added to their "wellness" tools as therapy goes into maintenance. Initially clients may experience heighten levels of distress, ensure clients have identified coping skills to help with grounding while doing the exercise. Remember to review clients' scripts as necessary.  


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